Just a Number: Starting a Successful Franchise at Any Age | NPI F


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Just a Number: Starting a Successful Franchise at Any Age

 September 22, 2020 |  Business Tips, Franchise |  small business, entrepreneur

By Zach Vesper, NPI, Inc.'s SEO and Marketing Specialist

Some common characteristics that come to mind when people imagine a successful startup owner are youthful, energetic and academically accomplished. Popular thinking dictates that once you’ve cemented yourself in a career that it’s too late to start something new. However, this evaluation couldn’t be further from the truth.

You don’t need to be a 20-something prodigy to start a business.
Contrary to popular belief, the majority of successful entrepreneurs don’t start their business in their early twenties. In fact, studies show that they’re far more likely to be in their early to mid-40s. Older entrepreneurs tend to enjoy a higher rate of success because they have life and career experience on their side. Chances are you yourself have had a few “learning experiences” that have better prepared you for venturing out on your own.

What inspires someone older to start a business?
A 2020 report by Guidant Financial shows that out of 3,000 small business owners surveyed, almost 87 percent were aged 40 and above. So what is causing the shift from corporate to entrepreneurship for people this age? The answer for most is the fear of letting life pass them by. They want to take control of their careers without being constricted by a 9-5 desk job. They also may be ready to try something new.

Being closer with family also factors in.
In addition to making money how you want, another reason you might go the route of small business is to spend time with those that matter--your family. There’s no better co-workers than the people you love, and together you can build a legacy business. Gone are the days of missing life’s big moments to work overtime because now you set your own schedule. You get to make a whole new set of memories with the people closest to you.

What makes NPI the right fit for you?
No matter your background, National Property Inspections can help you reach your goals. We have a diverse and constantly growing network of franchisees across the United States and Canada from all different age groups, professions and other aspects of life. The staff at the corporate office are dedicated to giving you guidance and support as you build your business. Whether you are a veteran looking for a new course, worked previously in construction or want to make an industry change, starting a franchise with NPI could be for you.


Interested in starting your own NPI franchise? Contact us today.
National Property Inspections has the tools to help you succeed in the property inspection business. Give us a call today at 402-333-9807 to learn more!


About the Author
Zach Vesper, SEO and Marketing Specialist
Zach brings more than six years of SEO experience to the table, making him your go-to web optimization specialist--he knows how to help your website reach the first page! He's always more than happy to answer your questions about all things Google. Zach is a film buff, an old-fashioned connoisseur and an avid reader of science fiction. When he’s not working, he’s hanging out with his wife, Stepha, and basset hound, Frank.

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